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The Going Pro® Experts Academy 

Empowering the World, One Expert at a time

 Earn your Certified Professional Expert, CPE™

What is The Going Pro® Experts Academy? 

A society of people who have chosen to become one of the best in their field. The Top 1%.

Expertise is definable, measurable and achievable. It is a combination of Knowledge, Skill, Experience and Wisdom. To be an expert in any field one needs all four of these traits. A Certified Professional Expert, CPE™ is one who applies these traits in an ethical and honorable fashion. 

The purpose of The Going Pro® Experts Academy Mentorship

is to empower you to become a leading  expert in your chosen field. We want to create more Experts in every discipline so that more people can make a meaningful difference in their chosen field. Experts are ValueAble

We Help People reach their Top 1%. (What is your Top 1%?) 

How does The Going Pro® Experts Academy work? 

Professional Speaker, Author, Mentor Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE created The Experts Academy™ Mentorship (E.A.) annual program to allow him to apply all of his resources, connections and guidance to people who are committed to succeeding. 

Jim wants a relationship in which no additional services nor resources need to be sold nor are additional agreements required. In other words, he wants to be “All-in” as a Mentor and Expert Advisor to his clients and protégé’s. Jim said, “I want an unrestricted ability to help people I like and admire.”

Jim will be your biggest fan, expert guide, the protector who is looking out for you, a sympathetic and strong shoulder to lean on, a confidant you can brag to or confide in about your true concerns, a person who will always tell you the truth and a Masters-Level Expert who has “been there” and offers only reliable and personalized advice. 

Schedule a call to see if this is a fit for you: Let’s chat.  Click here for the Experts Academy sign up agreement.

To accomplish this, Jim assembled his best alliances, experiences, expert faculty members and learning resources to address the Vital Skills required by those who choose to be Experts. 

Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling and the ability to Lead Meetings Successfully. 

Sales & Marketing Skills, Communication, Business and Branding Strategies plus tools and systems to gain and retain customers. 

Motivation Skills to get yourself and others to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done, as it needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like doing it. 

Relationship Intelligence® training and strategies to connect with the people you can best serve and stay connected with people as they progress from a mere transaction through becoming a long-term partner.

Plus, Leadership skills: decision making and problem solving. 

Assessment tools and training to enable you to measure such things as Personality Type, Emotional Intelligence, Sales IQ, Leadership Ability, Company Culture, Values and Beliefs and more.  

Members enroll in The Going Pro® Experts Academy for a full year. 

         Enrollment can begin at any time, and it goes for 12 months*. This allows enough time for behavior change to occur and become permanent. (*Going Pro® initial enrollment is for 3 months and applies toward the full term if desired. Every investment you make with Jim can be applied as a discount on the next level of services.) 

Upon acceptance as an EA member, you will complete a personal profile, sign an agreement and meet with Jim privately to isolate the goals that matter to you. 

Then you will be included in the 4 per month Private Zoom calls* with Jim and your fellow members. Many of these folks will likely become dear friends and colleagues to you over time. *EA calls are on 1st Fridays monthly at 2pm Central time for 1 hour. As an added value, Jim makes himself available to enrolled clients most Fridays at 2pm Central time for an hour of “Ask Jim Friday”. This adds 2 or 3 extra video meetings with Jim each month. 

Step One: The Professional  Growth: Acorns to Oak Trees videos are the best introduction to how Jim thinks and wants you to think. Plan to watch at least one of these each week. Each is between 8 and 20 minutes long. Truly watching and listening to them is vital. Don’t just let it play as you do something else. Focus on the video message. It is not a class but rather it is Jim’s way of revealing who he is and how he can help you. (Mandatory for all enrollees.) We suggest repeated viewing. Total length is 4 hours comprised of 16 short video messages. (You can subscribe to these separately right now for just $99. This applies toward your Going Pro® enrollment too.)  coursifyx.com/acorns

Step Two: Visit the unique Going Pro® Experts Academy Facebook Group page and explore how it works and the resources Jim has posted there. For those who like to work ahead, you can access forms, recordings, and assorted documents and resources that will be used later and get familiar with them today. On this page you can post feedback and documents you want to share with Jim or with the group. (This eliminates the need to have scores of individual email exchanges outside of the Academy structure.) 

Step Three: Attend The EA Private Zoom meetings with Jim each month and the Wisdom Parlor™ Public Podcast* with Jim’s Expert Faculty as well. Each month for ten months leaving time for our 2 day Mastermind Retreat, and the 3 day Experts Academy Summit, plus vacation and holidays. Recordings of these will be posted on your EA Facebook Group page. *EA meets on 1st Fridays and Wisdom Parlor™ meets on 1st Weds @2pm Central.

Schedule a call with Jim to see if you should be in The Experts Academy: https://bit.ly/callcathcart

Step Four: Clarity & Focus. Dedicate yourself to answering the “What Do You Want?” questions via the various written exercises, using the forms posted on Facebook for you. The most powerful force you can have is: “Definiteness of Purpose” as Napoleon Hill said. Jim’s system is crafted to generate a level of Clarity you have never had before. The better you know and can articulate exactly what you want, the more everything else you do can be orchestrated to make it so. 

Note: Jim’s Going Pro® Experience is the Experts Academy Stage One.

Step Five: Money You Are Missing. If you want the Be Known Agency’s confidential “Missed Profits Audit” then be sure to let us know. (This would cost $2,500 if done separately from the EA membership.) They will privately meet with you to do this. Jim is not involved unless you need him to be. 

Step Six: Self Study Courses. Explore Jim’s self-study video series: Speaking: Professional Presentations (28 parts), Selling: Sales Strategies (15 parts), and Jim’s audio course on Professional Selling (30 parts). You can also use these videos to train your team. These are subscription-access programs that others pay to use. You have access to them at no extra charge. 

Step Seven: Speech & Message Coaching. When you are very clear on What You Want then you will know who your prospective clients are and what your message is about. Jim will work with you in 3 personal private sessions to isolate Your Signature Message and profoundly increase your Confidence in delivering it. 

Once you have delivered Your Signature Message to an audience and video recorded it, Jim will review it with you and show you how to improve even more. 

Step Eight:  Your Own Marketing Video interview. If desired, Jim will interview you on camera either in person or remotely to capture the best answers to potential clients’ questions about how you can help them and why you are worth what you charge. This video is available for you to use as you wish. It will be like appearing as a guest on a TV show about what makes you valuable to others. 

Step Nine: Your Own Book! If you want to write your own book, coauthor one with Jim, or just promote your existing book more effectively then we are here for you. Options include: your own book written by you with Jim’s guidance, or a fully ghostwritten book in your name and advised by you, or even coauthoring a book directly with Jim, using one of his earlier books and revising it to be written by you and Jim. This menu of services may involve extra costs. 

Cathcart Press is Jim’s publishing label, and his publisher advises you on editing your manuscript, designing your cover, planning your marketing, and more. He can even guarantee your book will be in Amazon and Barnes & Noble as a #1 Bestseller in at least one category when it first comes out! The algorithm for this is constantly evolving but they know how to make it happen. Go to book.cathcart.com and you can watch Jim’s free videos: Finding The Book In You (from the Acorns to Oak Trees Series) and Becoming A Bestselling Author

Note: Jim Cathcart has written 25 books with mainstream publishers worldwide and many of them are ready for updating or rewriting so that you can coauthor them with him and just add your content. Then you will have a new book in your name plus the added value of Jim’s name and market appeal to help it sell. 

Step Ten: License to Sell. Jim is a Master Licensee wit Assessments24x7.com, owned by Dr. Tony Alessandra. (Jim’s best friend and former partner.)

Assessments24x7 is the company that produces the private label assessments for Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Ken Blanchard, Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie Courses, Action Coach and more.

Under Jim’s license you can be authorized to sell their entire suite of assessments: Personality Type, Emotional Intelligence, Learning Styles, Company Culture, Sales IQ (authored by Jim), Leadership Assessment and more. You can customize these for your brand and tailor them to your clients as well. Full certification training is available to teach you how to build your entire business around assessments if that appeals to you. 

Step Eleven: “Certified Professional Expert, CPE™ Graduation Day”.

CPE medallion

Upon completion of this exciting and empowering year of breakthroughs with Jim you will qualify to be a Certified Professional Expert, CPE™. You will receive a certificate signed by Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE to validate it. The CPE™ is your evidence of this year of growth and achievement. From this day forward you can add “CPE” after your name. Note: Cathcart Institute studied and consulted others to assure that your CPE will be a valid and meaningful certification.   Not something that would cause people to roll their eyes in skepticism. There is a structure to Expertise, and it can be taught, measured and quantified. 

The CPE™ is patterned after the CSP, Certified Speaking Professional issued by the National Speakers Association. Jim Cathcart personally designed the Professional Competencies system that NSA uses to certify speakers. CPE™ also follows the example of eSpeakers.com who certify speakers and trainers as Certified Virtual Presenters or Hosts, and other professional associations that certify Association Executives, Meetings Professionals, Trainers and more.

BONUS! Step Twelve: The Experts Academy Mastermind Summit: A major value item in the EA inventory is the 3-day in-person Mastermind Summit. This will be held at an exciting venue (usually in South Texas or in Southern California) and will enable you to spend quality time with your fellow EA members and with plenty of facetime directly with Jim Cathcart. Other expert faculty will participate, and all of the content will be focused on assuring that YOU achieve the goals you have set for this experience. Watch the testimonial videos from one of the Going Pro® retreats and you will see how powerful this can be. People constantly tell us, “We don’t want it to end!”

Sign up Now! Click here.

Optional: Your Very Own Podcast!

If you would like to create your own podcast for yourself or your organization, Jim is able to link you to the finest studios and teams who will make it happen. We will help you brand it, create the show flow, identify your ideal audience, record the shows and guests, and publish it in all the right media. Drop us an email today or book a call to explore this. 

Summary: Cathcart Institute Experts Academy™ for 2023 

Assets available to you include:

• Jim will be your biggest encourager, supporter, confidant, advisor and protector all year.
• Jim is on your team for 12 months with all his connections and resources.
• You can receive Certification as a CPE™: Certified Professional Expert.
• Your own published book (coauthored with Jim or advised by Jim.)
• Your Signature Message: 3 sessions of personal Speech Coaching with Jim.
• Detailed analysis of a video recording of a speech you delivered, done by Jim using AI.
• A Marketing Interview Video of you, for your own marketing.
• EA Zoom Private Workshops, small group meetings with Jim.
• Wisdom Parlor™ podcast discussions, group meetings with the Wisdom Council Faculty and Jim. 

  • Your Own Podcast with a full team behind you.
  • A bonus Mastermind Retreat in Austin, Texas, 2 days in person with Jim and your colleagues.
    • License to resell the suite of Assessments (Emotional Intelligence, DISC, Sales IQ & more)
    under Jim’s Master License with Assessments24x7.com.
  • A Private Missed-Profits Audit by Be Known Agency to find the money you are leaving on the table.
    • For Self-Study: Video Subscriptions to Jim’s new 28-part Speaker Course “Professional Presentations”,
  • Jim’s new 2023 12-part Sales Video Course for Entrepreneurs,
    Plus His 16-part Professional Growth: Acorns to Oaks 2023 video course (this one will change your life!) ,
    • And the 3 Day Life Changing Mastermind Summit and CPE™ Awards in a very special resort.

• Plus, any other value Jim can offer…all year long! 

Book a Growth Strategy Call with Jim Cathcart today to see if you are a fit for The Experts Academy™.

Other things you could do

• Do it yourself. You could do all this on your own and possibly become a true expert in 5 years with the daily discipline and dedication to self-education like Jim did. Or, you could do this with Jim and complete it in ONE year! 

• Hire an assistant. For the price of hiring an entry-level personal assistant, but without the extra costs of the benefits package, office equipment, training, onboarding, and supervision, you get Jim Cathcart by your side:

A world-class success expert and mentor as your personal strategic advisor and expert guide for a full year. And Jim brings strength, encouragement and measurable value to you on day one! 

• Other options: You could spend a similar amount or more with celebrity experts like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Russell Brunson or Marshall Goldsmith…
And you would get the assistance of their trainers and team members plus you would probably meet them at some exciting big live events and get a lot of videos and workbooks, But what you would NOT get is much, if any, direct face-to-face personal time with them.

Even if it were the same price, you’ll get more profound outcomes with Jim Cathcart as Your Personal Mentor 

Here  are the requirements to apply for CPE if your are not enrolled in the Academy:

To Earn Your CPE.

Designation as a Certified Professional Expert, CPE requires evidence of all of the following:

1. Five years or more of Leadership-Level involvement in your chosen fields. Involvement in professional societies and associations can be counted here. Published works and innovation also count.
2. Advanced Education for your Specialties. Education needn’t be mainstream academic. It can be through courses, and documented self-study programs. Industry specific designations also apply e.g. CSP, CMP, CAE, CPAE, CPE, PhD, MBA, etc.
3. Commitment to Ongoing Education in Leadership and Professionalism. You may list courses, internships, certificates, and work done as a professor, lecturer, researcher, editor, etc.
4. Service Mindedness and a commitment to Customer Satisfaction. Show awards, acknowledgments, recommendations, endorsements and testimonials that prove you care and can be depended upon.
5. Ethical Business Practice and Reputation. An absence of legal or ethical complaints, accusations or sanctions over the last five years. High credit rating, BBB rating, Yelp! reviews, or other social proof.
6. Client Testimonials evidencing your Professionalism. Provide letters or emails from five or more recent clients or customers. Additional support can be offered via Linkedin Recommendations and other reliable online feedback sources.

If you feel that you qualify to become a Certified Professional Expert, CPE then you may apply for consideration. This $250 application fee is non-refundable, even if you are not chosen to be certified.

However, upon selection this becomes your deposit toward the $1,000 certification fee. Leaving only $750 remaining due.
Once selected you will be notified and you will receive a digital certificate by email. The CPE medallion and the printed Certificate can be mailed to you or presented in-person at the annual Experts Academy Summit. The presentation ceremony will be held in conjunction with this annual training event and recipients have the option of attending only the ceremony rather than enrolling for the summit.
The Experts Academy Summit is a 3 day event and enrollment includes attendance at the presentation ceremony.  
Those who apply for the CPE receive a free subscription ($997 retail) to The Cathcart Method™: a 28 part video course on Professional Presentations. This begins upon your submission of the application fee. This allows you to learn even more while you prepare your letter showing your qualifications.
Once the fee is paid and your letter evidencing the above six requirements is received, the selection committee will respond to you and issue their decision promptly. At that point you can make plans to join us at the Experts Summit.

Watch this 90 second video from “Acorns to Oaks” and see if Jim Cathcart is the person you want on your team for this year.

If he is, click on his calendar here and schedule a call with Jim today and let’s see how much more successful you can be!


NOTE: The Experts Academy™ Mentorship experience is NOT simply a course of  lessons or assignments though it includes them. It is about assisting you in the IMPLEMENTATION of the steps necessary to achieve the Goals that matter to you! 

You define your Top 1% and then we help you reach it.  This is a doing program, not just a lecture attendance program. 

What We Believe:

Life needs outlets. The life force exists throughout the cosmos, but it needs portals to express itself: a plant, a puppy, a person.

Each of us has access to an endless flow of energy and ideas but we must develop ourselves physically, mentally, interpersonally and attitudinally to allow the unrestricted flow to emerge. 

            Performers, writers, artists, architects, and people in many fields regularly report on having experiences where ideas and excellent performances have come through them…and yet they often can’t explain why. 

These occurrences require an open door. Great ideas, stories, songs, solutions don’t come through a cynical mind, a fearful heart, a resentful or selfish attitude nor a pessimistic view about life. They don’t come through an unrehearsed or undeveloped skill or ability. They only come through optimistic, caring, disciplined minds and bodies who are seeking to make their life and their behaviors more valuable. Life is not restricted, we are!

If we want the benefits and joys of a highly productive life, then we must become a more valuable portal through which that can happen. True success is found in living fully in all aspects of life. 

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Acorns to Oak Trees videos*

Course Table of Contents

16 lessons • 4 hours total

Subscribe now for just $99 a year: 

·       Acorns to Oak Trees: Reach the Top 1% of Any  Field

16 Chapters.  https://coursifyx.com/acorns

Acorns to Oak Trees Introduction  03:33
What Do You Want? 13:11
How to Motivate Yourself  18:37
A Simple Planning Process 15:33
 The Future You  14:10
The Thought Diet  20:21
The Person You’ll Need to Be  08:35
The Book in You  19:55
Where Do You Start?  13:32
How to Develop the Will to Win  11:33
Radical Break From Old Patterns  15:40
Fill Your Unproductive Time Well  14:00
Control Your Inputs Avoid the Doubters   23:48
Who Is Glad That They Know You?   18:26
Shared Commitment to the Cause   16:18
Be More Intentional   13:01

Total course time: 4 hours          To Subscribe: coursifyx.com/acorns

(*Applies toward The Experts Academy™ Mentorship enrollment.) 

If you are a high-revenue producer, then now is the time for you to become a 

Certified Professional Expert, CPE™.

Enroll in Cathcart Institute’s Experts Academy™! 

Don’t Miss This Historic Window of Opportunity! 

Growth Strategies for Business Professionals

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The next several weeks will either weaken or strengthen you. 

What happens now tends to shape the entire year.  

Many people have either a hunker-down or a “hair on fire” mindset right now (hide or run) and many multi-task and try everything they can think of to fill the void and stay afloat. 

I say, Stop First then ReThink before taking bold actions. 

Don’t do it alone, let me guide you through the process. 

One good decision could change your life! 

One poor decision could leave you on the sidelines. 

Don’t let this growth opportunity pass you by.
Throughout this year, I will be guiding small groups through the vital process of ReThinking the critical parts of their life and business and then ReLaunching in the most powerful and effective way. In a series of 60-minute Zoom discussions, we will cut through the craziness and help you focus on what to do during the confusion when nobody is confidently buying, hiring, shopping or booking. We will also craft your “Grand ReOpening” strategy. 

Let’s put your strength where it belongs…on the unique edge that’s already in you and your resources, your expertise. 

Let’s make you a Leading Authority and Certified Professional Expert™ in your field. Reach Your Top 1%. 
We will dive deeply into:

·       “Stop the Bleeding!” Cutting losses, reducing wasted effort. Gaining Perspective before committing anew

·       Focusing Your Assets, DeCluttering your Workload, Pivoting to New Strategies, Using Existing Strengths Well  

·       Increasing Your Sales IQ, Strategies for Emerging Fast and Strong from the economic downturn

·       Creative Innovation Strategies for Your personal situation, How to Generate New Solutions you hadn’t considered 

·       A “SNUP Cleanse” (eliminate tasks that “Serve No Useful Purpose”), ReInventing key processes, systems and activities

·       Finding More Sales by Solving More Problems. 

·       Business Triage in an Emergency, Saving yourself and your customers 

·       Your Critical Decision-Making process, Making Smarter Choices  

·       Your GRAND Re-OPENING™ Strategy

·       Keeping your Team Engaged even if dormant

The purpose of all of this is to remove non-contributing parts of your world so the growth centers get your full energy and focus. 

Be a better portal for growth. 

Life will be more fun; business will be less of a burden and people will be more self-motivated thereby requiring less of your time and energy. 

Come with me and let’s discover how much more successful you can be! 

Don’t face this alone! 

Bring me into your life as your Mentor and guide. 


Book a discovery call now https://bit.ly/callcathcart 

The Ideal Client Profile for this program: Experts and Entrepreneurs

·       People who make their own decisions 

·       Individual Personal Service Providers (consultants, authors, coaches, speakers, trainers, advisors, experts)

·       Small Business Owners, Solo Practitioners who are making over $100,000 a year but feel capable of millions 

·       People who have already decided to succeed, are committed already, but are still working out the details

·       Success Seekers and People who can’t afford to Not Succeed 

·       Those who take personal responsibility for succeeding yet want a confidant, advisor or guide to turn to as needed 

·       Salespeople, Agents, Advisors

·       Leaders, Owners, Entrepreneurs 

·       Professional Service Providers

·       Leaders of Membership Organizations and Associations 

·       People who occasionally pay to go to Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Brian Tracy, Todd Duncan and similar programs 

·       Executives who dream about becoming a professional speaker and author 

·       People in periods of major Transition; life choices, job changes 

·       And newly relocated or reassigned people, starting anew.


You are NOT a candidate for this program if: 

·      You’re not really sure if you will succeed, you will “try” but haven’t made a full commitment to succeed yet.

·      You want to be told exactly what to do and when to do it. 

·      You don’t consistently show up on time or complete the personal assignments. 

·      You are skeptically critiquing the process and looking for exceptions.

·      You wait for someone to motivate you or supervise you. 

·      You expect this to be a seminar or class. (It’s an implementation!) 

·      You want lots of handouts, books, or PowerPoint files from me. 

·      You don’t like to invest in your own growth, so you wait for guarantees. 

·      You start strong and then drop out. (This is an ongoing growth process.) 

·      You just want an easier version of what you’ve always done.

Schedule a Strategic Conversation with me to isolate your most important goals and determine if this is a fit for you.

I can tell you after about 15 minutes whether I can substantially help you or not.


I really hope this is the right program for you! 



As a result of this Mentoring experience, You will: 

·      Be more energized and satisfied with the work you do.

·      No longer feel like you missed the bus or were cheated out of your opportunity. 

·      Be more confident because you are following a strategic path that will bear more fruit.

 • Become a Certified Professional Expert, CPE™.

·      Stop wasting time with people who drain your energy, feed your doubts, or waste your time and resources. 

·      Be able to read people like never before and you’ll see things in yourself and others that will make sense for the first time. Now you’ll know what to do about it! 

·      Stop allowing meetings to become group timewasters. You will know how to make them productive, enjoyable and brief! 

·      See sales opportunities that never occurred to you and find that it’s easier than ever to get people to say Yes to you. 

·      Eliminate self-doubt and uncertainty from your communications. This will make you a more influential leader, a better salesperson, a better coach/counsellor, and a better friend. 

·      Clarify your dreams and vision of the future you want. 

·      See how you need to develop in order to attract that future. Become a Magnet. 

·      Increase your charisma and ability to lead others. 

·      Never feel guilty, dishonest or dirty again when selling an idea or product to a friend or prospect. 

·      No longer feel intimidated by “bigger” people than you, and you’ll realize that you, too, are a substantial person worthy of success and admiration.

·      Become a more caring and sensitive person while at the same time being a strong confident leader. 

·      People will be more eager to follow your lead. 

·      Audiences will want to hear from you, and you’ll love to speak to them. 

·      Others will be seeking your opinion respectfully more often. 

·      Stop discounting your fees and prices. You’ll proudly ask and get full price. 

·      Enter negotiations more strongly and without fear. 

·      Know how to make good decisions better than ever, better than most. 

·      Recognize your limits and know how to transcend them with resources. 

·      Find time to Think and know how to Think More Clearly. 

·      Be able to lead and inspire your organization as never before.  

Come on, Let’s discover How Much More Successful You Can Be!

Schedule a Strategic Conversation with me now to determine if you are a fit for The Experts Academy™. I can tell you after about 15 minutes whether this can substantially help you.

Book a Call

What is “The Cathcart Method™?

It is a way of being and doing that comes from who you truly are.

It is acting with integrity, being a professional, and doing what is right.

Jim Cathcart is known as one of the most natural and sincere speakers and mentors in the world.

He has built a reputation as someone with deep convictions and genuine caring for others.

Here are some of the concepts he teaches that capture his “method.”

·      Become an Expert in your field, The Top 1% 

·      Think Like A Start Up™ – Like An Owner 

·      Fully Commit or Don’t Play 

·      Think like your Recipient, not just as the Provider 

·      Have Fun or Find A New Game 

·      Suspend Your Selfish Interests 

·      Focus On Providing Value 

·      Consider Each Step A Beginning 

·      Become Excellent At Gratitude 

·      Learn Intelligent Observation 

·      Learn Pattern Interruption 

·      Practice Incremental Enhancement 

·      Develop Habitual Initiative 

·      Master Reputation Creation 

·      Just Tell The Truth

·      Discover Your Patterns – Systematic Inspection 

·      Become a Skilled Problem Solver 

·      What Are You Paid To Do? 

·      Know Your “Real ESTATE” 

·      Manage your Causation Chain™ 

·      Achieve “Escape Velocity” Often 

·      Do Your Homework

·      Read The Owner’s Manuals 

·      Meet The Parents 

·      Act While The Impulse Is There (positive acts only) 

·      Capture Your Power Minutes™ 

·      Know What To Wonder About 

·      Be Great At Expressing What You Want 

·      Listen Like You Want To Understand More 

·      Handle Your Relationships Intentionally 

·      Do The First Step 

·      Ask The Daily Question 

·      Do It Now! 

·      Assume You Could Be Wrong 

·      Increase Intentionality

·      Never Stop Improving


The Experts Academy™ Mentorship Agreement 

Jim Cathcart is a Mentor rather than a coach.

As your Mentor he is here for advice, support, encouragement, direction, instruction, inspiration and to be your trusted advisor and expert guide.

He commits to being your fan, your “Yoda”, a shoulder to lean on when needed, someone you can brag to and confide in, and someone who cares about helping you to confidently achieve your dreams.

As an Experts Academy™ enrollee you agree:

  • I will show up for the meetings (others get value from your participation)

  • I will complete all of the assignments (outcomes depend upon you trusting the process)

  • I will view 2 or more Acorns to Oak Trees videos per week till I’ve seen all 16 of them. (Don’t just play them, truly watch them.)

  • I will encourage and respect the others in the program.

  • I take FULL responsibility for myself: my state, mood, & behavior. No excuses.

  • I will remember that I alone am responsible for my actions or inaction. This program is for strategic guidance, and does not assure the results I will achieve.

  • If forced to miss a live meeting, I will watch the recording of it within a few days and before the next meeting.

  • I will join the EA Facebook Group and use it as my primary medium for contact with Jim and the group. (This eliminates email or phone overload.)

  • If I am getting behind, I will talk with Jim and determine how to quickly catch up. Read that one again please.

  • I will not share the resource assets from the program nor the recordings of the program without written permission from Jim Cathcart.

  • When I am confused or discouraged I will call Jim.

  • I will take responsibility to pay my tuition on time and not wait for someone to remind me, invoice me or call to follow up.

  • I recognize that my tuition is non-refundable unless Jim Cathcart is unable to provide his services described herein.

  • In short, I will participate in this program with the full commitment to get all the value it can bring.

Note: None of the above are unimportant nor trivial. This academy is based on the actual use of the assets and experiences, it cannot be expected to serve you otherwise.

Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: ____________________________



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Final Cover Intelligent Curiosity Jim Cathcart and Lisa Patrick22C335AC F02F 4E5B BBD0 8983F6200822 1 201 aIMG 4275 1


Wisdom Parlor ™

from Cathcart Institute


A Thoughtful Forum 

for Important Ideas 

People Who Are Committed 

to Succeeding in Life.

The Cathcart Institute Wisdom Parlor™ is a discussion-forum among accomplished professionals from a variety of fields.

Its purpose is to inspire and encourage people to live more abundantly and to help others do the same.

Attendance is free and open to the public, but the focus is on the dialogue among the Wisdom Council.  Council members are guests and colleagues of Jim Cathcart who have achieved substantial success in their own life. Some are industry specialists while others are bestselling authors, Hall of Fame speakers, celebrities in various professions and wise masters who have expansive influence.

This is a “gathering of Eagles” who are talking about ideas that matter to all of us. You are able to listen in and get to know them.

Members of The Experts Academy™ are able pose questions for them to consider or problems to solve. 

The Wisdom Council meetings are called “Wisdom Parlor™” because of the casual and spontaneous nature of the discussions. Jim Cathcart is a master facilitator and has hosted scores of these meetings in recent years. Each gathering is a “thoughtful forum for important ideas among people who are committed to succeeding in life.” Not an interview, not a lecture series, just a real discussion among amazing people. As they “lead by example”, You will learn how they think, choose and interact that makes them unique in their chosen field.

This is for Winners not Beginners.

Wisdom Parlor™ is open to the public and held on 1st Wednesdays at 2pm Central time. (Noon Pacific, 1pm Mountain, 3pm Eastern)

You will find the link to attend on the Wisdom Council Facebook page. 

Cathcart Institute’s Wisdom Parlor

is held on the First Wednesday of each month

at 2pm Central time (Noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern).

We call them “Wisdom Wednesdays”.

You have been invited to the following event with this note:

“I have personally chosen to invite you. This is not a blanket mailing from a list. Nothing is required except your presence, just tune in if you can and let me know during the meeting if you want to contribute a thought. 

This will be repeated on the 1st Wednesday of subsequent months. 

Thanks for being part of my circle.”

Jim Cathcart is inviting you to a scheduled “Wisdom Parlor” Zoom meeting.
(You can simply observe or choose to participate.)
This is the official Wisdom Council meeting 

for Cathcart Institute’s Experts Academy™.
 Join Jim and his respected colleagues in:
A Thoughtful Forum for Important Ideas among People Who Are Committed to Succeeding in Life.

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 902 913 6862
 Passcode: acorn

When: Monthly from 2pm to 3pm on the first Wednesday (Central Time – Texas) – “Wisdom Wednesdays™”Certified