The Certified Professional Experts™ Academy

Empowering the World, One Expert at a time

Earn your Certified Professional Expert, CPE™

Schedule a call to see if this is right for you

The Professional Experts Academy is a society of individuals striving to reach and remain at the top 1% in their field. 

Professional Expertise is seen as a combination of knowledge, skill, experience, and wisdom, all applied ethically and honorably. Our mission is to empower you to become a leading expert in your chosen field. We aim to cultivate more experts in every discipline, helping people make meaningful contributions in their areas of expertise. We Help People Reach Their Top 1%

How Does The Certified Professional Experts Academy Work?

Professional speaker, author, and mentor Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE, created the Professional Experts Academy™ (EA) Mentorship. This program leverages Jim's extensive resources, connections, and guidance for individuals committed to achieving success.

Jim seeks to provide comprehensive mentorship without the need for people to purchase  additional services or agreements. His goal is to be fully invested as your mentor and expert advisor, offering unrestricted support to his clients and protégés. As mentor, Jim will be your biggest supporter, expert guide, and trusted confidant, always providing reliable and personalized advice.

Schedule a call to see if this is right for you

Jim has assembled a team of highly skilled faculty members and learning resources to address essential skills, including:

Presentation Skills
Public speaking, storytelling, and leading successful meetings.
Sales & Marketing Skills
Communication, business strategies, branding, and customer retention tools and systems.
Motivation Skills
Inspiring yourself and others to complete tasks effectively, even when motivation wanes.
Relationship Intelligence® Training
Developing strategies to connect with key individuals and maintain long-term partnerships.
Leadership Skills
Decision Making, Problem Solving and Inspiring Others to perform.
Assessment Tools and Training
Measuring personality type, Emotional Intelligence, Sales IQ, leadership ability, company culture, values, and beliefs.

Members enroll in The Certified Professional Experts Academy for 6 to 12 months, embarking on a journey to achieve their top 1%.

You may enroll at any time for the 6 or 12-month program (which is designed to foster lasting behavior change). Initial enrollment is for 6 months (includes “Going Pro®”) and can be extended to the full term as desired. Additionally, any investment made with Jim can be applied as a discount toward the next level of services.
 Upon Acceptance:
  • Complete a personal profile.
  • Sign an agreement.
  • Have a private meeting with Jim to identify your key goals.

Monthly Engagement:
  • Participate in the private Experts Zoom calls each week with Jim and fellow members, fostering friendship and collaboration. These sessions typically last for one hour and include open dialogue so that everyone gets their questions answered.

Getting Started (click to expand)

Why Choose The Certified Professional Experts Academy?

Because it is more effective and less costly than Other Approaches You Could Take:

Do It Yourself: Sure, you could spend the next five years becoming an expert through daily discipline and self-education, much like Jim did. Or, you can fast-track your success by completing it in just ONE year with Jim guiding you every step of the way. Why take the scenic route when you can fly first-class?
Hire an Assistant: Instead of hiring an entry-level personal assistant, who will require benefits, office equipment, training, and supervision, why not have Jim Cathcart as your personal strategic advisor? Imagine having a world-class success expert and mentor by your side for an entire year, bringing strength, encouragement, and measurable value from day one. It's like upgrading from a tricycle to a turbocharged sports car!
Explore Other Options: You could opt to spend a similar amount with celebrity experts like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, John Maxwell, Russell Brunson, or Marshall Goldsmith. While you'll get support from their trainers and team members and might even rub elbows with them at big events, don't expect much face-to-face time. With Jim Cathcart as your personal mentor, you'll get laser-focused attention and more profound outcomes. Why settle for a photo op when you can have a genuine expert on your team?

Book a Growth Strategy Call with Jim Cathcart today to see if you are a good fit for The Experts Academy™

Schedule a Call

Skip The Line! Apply Directly for the Certified Professional Expert, CPE™. If you already qualify, then let's get you Certified!

Requirements for Non-Academy Applicants:

To earn your designation as a Certified Professional Expert, CPE™, you need to provide evidence of the following:

What Happens Next?

Notification & Certification
Upon selection, you will receive a digital certificate via email. The prestigious CPE™ medallion and printed certificate can be presented in-person at the annual Experts Academy Summit, or presented via video call and then mailed to you.
Ceremony Options
The presentation ceremony is part of the 3 1/2-day Experts Academy Summit. Enrollment in the summit includes the ceremony, or you have the option to attend only the ceremony, if preferred.
Bonus: Free Training Course!
CPE Applicants receive a complimentary subscription to "The Cathcart Method™," a 28-part video course on Professional Presentations (retail value $997). This self study course is available to you immediately upon submission of your application fee, providing invaluable preparation as you compile your qualifications.

Application Process

Ready to elevate your professional status and join the ranks of Certified Professional Experts?
  • Pay the Deposit: Submit the $1000 application deposit to kickstart your journey.
  • Submit Your Letter: Provide a letter evidencing your qualifications as per the six outlined requirements. A simple letter will suffice, just show us how you qualify.
  • Selection Committee Review: The committee will review your application and respond promptly with their decision.
  • Upon Selection: Once selected you will be notified promptly. You will then receive your digital certificate immediately and, at the Summit, you will get the printed certificate and medallion. (If you don't yet qualify for CPE, $750 will be refunded to you. The $250 remaining can be applied to any of Jim's other services.)
  • Plan Your Attendance: Once approved, make plans to join us at the Experts Summit for your formal recognition. Or schedule your video presentation by Jim.
Apply Now and Begin Your Transformation!

The Professional Experts Academy™ Mentorship Experience

This program is not just a series of lessons or assignments. It’s about helping you implement the necessary steps to achieve your most important goals. You define your "Top 1%," and we assist you in reaching it. This is a hands-on, action-oriented program, not just a lecture series.


Life Needs Outlets: The life force exists throughout the cosmos but needs portals—like plants, animals, and people—to express itself. We all have access to endless energy and ideas, but we must develop ourselves physically, mentally, interpersonally, and attitudinally to allow this flow.

Unlock Your Potential: Performers, writers, artists, architects, and professionals in various fields often experience moments where brilliant ideas and performances come through them effortlessly. These moments require an open and receptive mind. Great ideas don’t emerge from cynicism, fear, resentment, selfishness, or pessimism. They come from optimistic, caring, disciplined individuals who seek to add value to their lives and actions.

Become a Valuable Portal: Life isn’t restricted; we are. To enjoy the benefits and joys of a highly productive life, we must become more valuable portals for this energy and creativity. True success lies in living fully across all aspects of life.

Still Wondering if The Going Pro® Experts Academy is right for you?

Designed for highly motivated experts and entrepreneurs who are ready to elevate their success. This program is an ideal fit for: "Expert based businesses*" where you are hired temporarily for your special knowledge or skill. (*Authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, advisors, and other professional experts.)

This is for:

  • People who make their own decisions
  • Individual service providers such as consultants, authors, coaches, speakers, trainers, advisors, entertainers and experts
  • Small business owners and solo practitioners making over $100,000 a year but aiming for millions
  • Individuals committed to success, who have decided to succeed and are fine-tuning the details
  • Success seekers who can't afford to fail
  • Those who take personal responsibility for their success but seek a confidant, advisor, or guide
  • Salespeople, agents, and advisors
  • Leaders, owners, and entrepreneurs
  • Professional service providers
  • Leaders of membership organizations and associations
  • Individuals who attend programs by Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy, Todd Duncan, and similar figures
  • Executives aspiring to become professional speakers and authors
  • People in major transitions, such as life choices or job changes
  • Newly relocated or reassigned individuals starting anew

Schedule a call to see if this is right for you

Turn Your Expertise into Opportunity

Book a call with Jim today!