Inspire Your Audience
When you decide to become a professional, the rules and expectations change.

No longer is good enough, good enough.
We all want to do better in some way. It may be more success, more sales, more money, more support, more fitness, more happiness, or more peace of mind. Your level of aspiration, your idea of “success” determines how far you will grow.
Mindset: To improve your level of achievement you must first change your thinking about familiar topics like: business relationships, sales, customer loyalty, leadership, accountability and motivation. Then focus on the Vital Patterns of Performance that will have the greatest impact.
I’ve been in the business of helping people grow their success since 1977. I bring the proven wisdom that can only come from a generation of practicing, observing and studying what makes people grow and succeed.
Come with me and let’s discover how much more successful you can be!
“Simply, Jim Cathcart is a speaking legend and an unbelievably generous person!”

The Going Pro® Experience
Build Clarity, Confidence and Courage
Jim Cathcart is a pro at the very top of his profession and he did it the long way. Without connections, money, credentials or a success background he rose from entry level to the Top 1% among speakers and authors in the field of personal development. He can show you how to do the same in your field.

Top 1% Leadership
Get people to want to do what is needed
Think Like A Start Up, Lead Like A Pro! Start Up (Again) with the enthusiasm and focus of a new entrepreneur. The main challenge of leadership is not a skills challenge; it is a motivation challenge. Getting people to want to do what needs to be done.That is the main job of a leader.

Presentation Skills
World-Class Power Communication
Imagine getting the Super Bowl Winning Quarterback to teach you football. Sometimes, it is even more valuable for Jim Cathcart, TEDx Top 1% speaker, to train your people to speak powerfully than it is for him to personally address your group!

Relationship Intelligence®
Turning Contacts Into Assets
Increase your Sales IQ! Wouldn’t you rather get ALL the business instead of just one transaction? Relationships must be treated as Assets! A relationship without a sale is merely a social connection. A sale without a relationship is what one gets from a vending machine. Our clients deserve to have us as their partner in problem solving.

The Acorn Principle™
Helping People Grow
Based on the newly revised international bestseller. Generate initiative and build self-reliance. Show people how to discover their highest and best strengths to grow themselves and their business by learning to find the natural strengths in situations and people. Empower them to help people grow. "The seed of your future successes already lives within you."

HI-REV for Small Business
A Faster Way to Profits
Entrepreneurs and business owners need to think like a start up, lead like a pro! HI-REV is about strategies, systems and practices that assure success despite market conditions. Give people the confidence to press forward despite challenges. Based on the 2022 bestseller HI-REV for Small Business by Dennis Madden and Jim Cathcart.

Over 48 years of global, world-class speaking experience
With over 48 years of professional speaking around the world, and delivering more than 3,500 presentations to audiences in every state of the US, most provinces of Canada and countries from Scotland to China to Poland, Australia and Singapore, Jim has the outstanding ability to customize and deliver a message that entertains, inspires and transforms your audience and resonates with your event theme.
“You really did
blow me away.
You were the rage of our conference. Not only was your style and warmth fantastic, but the quality of the knowledge and material you presented was absolutely incredible!”
– Ken Blanchard, author, The One Minute Manager
"Jim Cathcart is one of the sharpest and best-grounded speakers
and consultants that I know. He has a special knack for helping others figure out how to succeed when they are facing challenges and uncertainty. His coining of "The Acorn Principle" is a landmark concept in the field of business and personal development."
– George Morrisey, Chairman, The Morrisey Group
Past Presentations
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“Thanks for being a real person, not a personality.”
– Bombay Co